Originally built in 1838 our church and halls have a rich history and have been central to life in Ballygowan for over 100 years.

Discipleship is one of the core elements of what we do as a Church. As we emerge from the COVID pandemic and restrictions that were placed on Church activity we are reviewing all our activities moving forward.
This page will be updated in the Autumn.

Cafe Church is an informal worship gathering where we hear from a guest speaker over a cup of tea or coffee.
Cafe Church usually takes place in November and February.


Life Group 1 - David & Elsie McKee
Alternate Tuesday Evenings
Information Coming Soon

Life Group 2 - Nigel & Janet Gribbon
Alternate Thursday Evenings
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Tuesday's | Main Hall
The Badminton Club is open to both Church and non-Church members aged 18 and upwards, and meets on a Tuesday night at 8.00pm – 10.30pm in the Church Hall from the beginning of September to mid-April. The Club has been in existence for many years and plays competitive badminton in the North Down and Presbyterian leagues. We are fortunate to have a 2 court hall with excellent facilities and this has attracted many people to join the Club over the years. We currently have approximately 30 members, not all of whom attend on a Tuesday night. New members are always very welcome.
For further information please contact Desie Milligan Tel: 90448687 or Brian & Sharon McCloy Tel: 97521235.

See Calendar
Energise is an informal ladies Bible study. We meet every fortnight on a Tuesday morning from 10:30am - 11:30am in the choir room.
At present we have 18 ladies and always like to see new members.
We use precept ministries 40 minute Bible Studies (with no homework). We enjoy our time together and of course our cup of tea or coffee.
If you would like more information contact Cheryl Haslam via the church office.

Monday's | Main Hall
Ballygowan Presbyterian Church Indoor Bowling Club was formed 50 years ago. Current Membership is approximately 35 made up of both ladies & men ranging from 17 – 90. The Bowling Club meets in the Main Church Hall on Monday Nights at 7.30. The Club is made up of not only Church Members but also has Members from the surrounding areas of Saintfield, Comber and beyond. The Club organises a very successful Open Pairs Tournament every year in February with Competitors travelling from all over Northern Ireland to participate in. New Members always Welcome and anyone interested in joining the Club should contact Robert Gibson.

Catering Corps
See Calendar
Ballygowan Catering Corps (CC) is an Organisation within Ballygowan Presbyterian Church. It is made up of a small group of volunteers, ranging in age from 50 – 80. When required however many other volunteers including Teenagers help to set up hall and serve food. The CC organise two Big Breakfasts each year, normally March/April & then again in October. These are supported by not only many Members of the Congregation but a great number of locals who now look forward to these Breakfasts. The CC also organise a Sunday Lunch each year, normally around September, though depending on needs of the Church this can vary. The CC provides an invaluable service to families by providing teas following Funeral Services. The CC is indebted to Members of the Congregation for their continued support in providing Sandwiches & Traybakes for Funeral Teas and other events. The CC has purchased many items for Church over the years as well as making Donations to Church Funds. In recent years they have purchased new Chairs for the Church Hall at a cost of £15,000 & in 2017 they donated £20,000.00 to the Church Hall Toilet Renovation Fund.
New volunteers would be made most welcome even on an occasional basis. If you would be interested in helping in any way contact Margaret Hanna or Mary Gibson.

Female Focus
See Calendar
Female Focus is an informal group for ladies with no age limit!!! We meet in the Minor Hall on the first Monday of October, December, January, March and May from 8pm to 9pm ish.
We are quite a small group but we enjoy friendship, fellowship and a bit of fun with, of course, coffee (tea) and tray bakes.
Our programme is very varied and includes speakers sharing with us anything from mission, to family issues and even craft and beauty. We have also had young people from our Church coming back and telling us all about their summer trips away with various organisations.
Each evening starts with a devotional item, which one of our members will provide.
We also arrange activities which we take part in eg. craft, trips to cinema or out for coffee. We always finish off the year with a BBQ and, weather permitting, a walk.
We offer a friendly, relaxed atmosphere that people can dip in and out of and not feel that they have to be at each meeting. We understand that people have busy lives but may just want to meet new friends and strike up new relationships within the Church.